Returning to Seattle after 6 years, further research had discovered a cathedral in the Northgate section of Seattle that I hadn't visited during my "house on the market" trip in March 2016. Using the 1Line of Seattle's splendid transit system, I exited in drizzle and crossed I-5 on a pedestrian bridge and walked through North Seattle College. After passing a local police depot, I climbed a hill while keeping somewhat dry under a good size umbrella and came to the corner of Ashworth and 103rd Street.

A small building painted white with sky blue, the cathedral sits above street level with established shrubbery on the street sides. Climbing a few stairs, I walked around the building, hoping that I might enter through the bookstore that I knew was there. A few locked doors and dark behind windows, I continued around to the parking area where I found a window wall and an open door. After inquiring if I could enter, explaining my "obsession" and asking if I might view the nave and take a few pictures, the gentleman who greeted me brought me through the parish hall and into the church. While turning on lights, I discovered I was speaking with Metropolitan Ignatiius, the bishop of Saint Nectarios American Orthodox Cathedral.

Ignatius opened the curtains of the screen so that I was able to take several photos of the sanctuary, and pointed out the fine collection of icons that line the walls of the nave. He talked about his coming from Ukraine in 1950 and how the cathedral/church had been established in Seattle. We talked theology, sociology, history, and religion. Hearing of my seeking cathedrals, he asked if I had been to the east coast counterpart near Boston, Saint Mark of Ephesus Orthodox Cathedral and recommended Metropolitan Gregory to me. As I expect to visit the greater Boston area this year, this was an addition for my list!
There is a bookstore associated with this cathedral, and I was gifted a copy of The Orthodox Church by Timothy Ware which I hope to soon start reading. Parting after about an hour, I reversed my walk to the transit system and headed back to downtown Seattle.
